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Study by the Stifterverband and McKinsey: Corona pandemic triggers the digitization boost in further training in companies and rapidly increases the need for future skills - Nevertheless, the economic crisis leads to savings in qualification budgets - politics and associations should better support successful implementation of qualification strategies by companies

The corona crisis has digitized the training market in Germany at an accelerated rate: Before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, 35 percent of the offers were digitally available, today it is 54 percent. The German economy has recognized the importance of qualifications in times of crisis. However, although the need for placement in future skills such as digital and technological skills is growing rapidly, the qualification budget is falling at 21 percent of companies due to the gloomy economic situation; it stagnates at 49 percent. You need a specific training strategy and more support from politics and associations to implement it. These are central results of the study "The future of qualification in companies after Corona". The authors Stifterverband and McKinsey surveyed 550 companies in Germany in August.

Almost all professions will be shaped digitally in the future

"The corona pandemic increases the pressure to change on companies - and thus also on their staff," summarizes Volker Meyer-Guckel, Deputy Secretary General of the Stifterverband. “Regardless of where - whether in retail, logistics or the skilled trades - almost all professions will be shaped digitally in the future. This means that future skills competencies must be developed to a large extent. After the companies reacted well during the crisis, they now need long-term strategies that are aligned with the strategic corporate goals. " 

Since March, the share of advanced training in digital key qualifications alone has risen by 75 percent. Employees had to be trained quickly in order to learn and work digitally. In the future, the focus will also be on the further development of technological skills such as user-centered design or complex data analysis. 

Companies need clear training and development strategies

In order to successfully cope with the rapidly growing need for qualifications, companies need clear training and further education strategies. Their implementation requires innovative learning formats, precise knowledge of the skills actually required and an IT infrastructure to enable decentralized learning. In the end, a systematic measurement of learning outcomes is also required. Only 36 percent of the companies surveyed sound out the effects of their further training offers.

McKinsey partner Julia Klier sums up the results of the study: “When it comes to qualification, companies are facing a major transformation process. “Future training strategies must be geared towards an integral and company-wide culture of lifelong learning. Successful companies in the digital age cannot avoid this. " 

More support needed for companies

In the opinion of the Stifterverband and McKinsey, companies need not only political support to implement the qualification strategies, but also support from associations and social partners. These could define industry-specific future skills requirements. Julia Klier: "Especially for small and medium-sized companies, it is a great challenge to identify the specific skills required." The targeted qualification offers should be bundled on a common platform. The link between short-time work and qualification initiated by the federal government must be strengthened and easier access to funding in accordance with the Qualification Opportunities Act should be made possible. In addition, it should be checked whether the requirements for the tax deductibility of home office and the tax benefits for the purchase of private devices for work and qualification at home are still up to date.

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